NMLS Rules of Conduct Agreement Unrestricted

Rules of Conduct for NMLS Approved Pre-Licensure (PE) and Continuing Education (CE) Courses

The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act (SAFE Act), requires that state-licensed MLOs complete pre-licensing (PE) and continuing education (CE) courses as a condition to be licensed. The SAFE Act also requires that all education completed as a condition for state licensure be NMLS approved. Since 2009 NMLS has established course design, approval, and delivery standards which NMLS approved course providers are required to meet. To further ensure students meet the education requirements of the SAFE Act, NMLS has established a Rules of Conduct (ROC). The ROC, which have been approved by the NMLS Mortgage Testing & Education Board, and the NMLS Policy Committee, both of which are comprised of state regulators, are intended to stress that NMLS approved education be delivered and completed with integrity.

Rules of Conduct

As an individual completing either pre-licensure education (PE) or continuing education (CE), I agree to abide by the following rules of conduct:

  1. I attest that I am the person who I say I am and that all my course registration information is accurate.
  2. I acknowledge that I will be required to show a current government issued form of identification prior to, and during the course, and/or be required to answer questions that are intended to verify/validate my identity prior to, and during the course.
  3. I understand that the SAFE Act and state laws require me to spend a specific amount of time in specific subject areas. Accordingly, I will not attempt to circumvent the requirements of any NMLS approved course.
  4. I will not divulge my login ID or password or other login credential(s) to another individual for any online course.
  5. I will not seek or attempt to seek outside assistance to complete the course.
  6. I will not give or attempt to give assistance to any person who is registered to take an NMLS approved pre-licensure or continuing education course.
  7. I will not engage in any conduct that creates a disturbance or interferes with the administration of the course or other students’ learning.
  8. I will not engage in any conduct that would be contrary to good character or reputation, or engage in any behavior that would cause the public to believe that I would not operate in the mortgage loan business lawfully, honestly or fairly.
  9. I will not engage in any conduct that is dishonest, fraudulent, or would adversely impact the integrity of the course(s) I am completing and the conditions for which I am seeking licensure or renewal of licensure.

I understand that NMLS approved course providers are not authorized by NMLS to grant exceptions to these rules and that I alone am responsible for my conduct under these rules. I also understand that these rules are in addition to whatever applicable rules my course provider may have.
I understand that the course provider or others may report any alleged violations to NMLS and that NMLS may conduct an investigation into alleged violations and that it may report alleged violations to the state(s) in which I am seeking licensure or maintain licenses, or to other states.

The CSBS Privacy Notice can be found here:

https://nationwidelicensingsystem.org/about/policies/NMLS%20Document%20Library/CSBS%20External%20Priva cy%20Notice-6.18%20(1).pdf

I further understand that the results of any investigation into my alleged violation(s) may subject me to disciplinary actions by the state(s) or the State Regulatory Registry (SRR), including removal of any course from my NMLS record, and/or denial or revocation of my license(s).

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