NMLS SAFE Test Prep Tools
Prep2Pass™ is the first true mobile app that helps you prepare for the SAFE MLO Test. We are so confident that you will pass the first time, that if you fail the NMLS Test after scoring consecutively 95% on a Prep2Pass Simulated Test 3 days prior to the National Test, we will give you 50% of your money back. See terms and conditions at the bottom of the page.

The SAFE MLO Test is a big deal, and that means that every minute you spend preparing for it matters. That's why Prep2Pass Focused Flashcards are each created based directly on the NMLS Test Content Outline. The time you take to study is valuable, so why should you spend more time studying terms that won't be on the NMLS Test?

With the SAFE MLO Test consisting of 125 questions, 115 of which are graded, you need to make sure that you are 100% prepared. With Prep2Pass, you can simulate the NMLS Test right in the app. You have the same time limit as the NMLS Test, and you can "Mark Questions for Review," just like on the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Test.

Our OnDemand Library consists of over 15 hours of video at your fingertips, gives you everything that you could possibly need. And if you still don't understand a topic or concept, tap the 'i' in the top right corner to message a Diehl mortgage industry expert.

Focused Flashcards

100% Updated Content

Reduce Your Stress by Simulating The Test

Don't Test and Drive. Do Park and Practice.

A Test Prep Coach In Your Pocket
Even More Prep2Pass Features
Question What You Know So You Can Find Your Focus.
The SAFE MLO Test covers a broad list of topics, including numerous Federal regulations that apply to the mortgage industry. In the past 10 years following the Great Recession, the amount of regulations has grown significantly with new rules, rule changes and the establishment of a new regulatory agency, the CFPB. As you study what you need to learn by participating in the 20 hour course, reviewing the course textbook, and using all the tools and resources, you will realize that you have covered a ton of information. After being exposed to all that info, you often don’t recognize what you have fully learned and what you still can benefit from learning. That’s how the question pools in Prep2Pass can help you identify what you’ve already learned and which topics to still focus on. Use Prep2Pass and get completely prepared quickly.
Just Open The App And Study from Anywhere. Online or Offline.
One of the best parts about Prep2Pass is the ability to view flashcards literally ANYWHERE, whether or not you have internet access at that location. To utilize the feature, open up the app while you’re on the internet, and leave it open in the background on your phone. When you re-open the app, you can view flashcards at any time, offline or online.
Try 100% Free. No Credit Card Required.
We’re so confident that you will love Prep2Pass, that we are offering a free trial for everyone. No gimmicks, and no strings attached. Access 25 Free Flashcards, and 5 free questions. This will help you to both realize your potential with Prep2Pass, as well as help you familiarize yourself with Prep2Pass.
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It’s time for you to make the move and make your test prep matter.